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Shed light on the history
of your heritage

You've taken a DNA test and discovered the fundamentals of your genetic heritage. Now, it's time to delve even deeper.

See sample report

A complementary and holistic way to investigate your ancestry

Our team combines expertise in history, archaeogenetics, phylogenetics, archaeology, and other disciplines to create a comprehensive picture.

Haplogroup History

Explore the roots of your lineage and uncover the
unique challenges that shaped its history

Ancestry Composition

The Ancestry Composition service analyzes your DNA to
provide a comprehensive breakdown of your ancestry

Genetic Distances

See how genetically related you are to both modern and ancient ethnic groups
to both modern and ancient ethnic groups

Virtual Q&A Meeting

A 60 minute conversation with an AW member
tto address any remaining questions


Send your DNA data, get your DNA story

Our team combines expertise in history, archaeogenetics, phylogeny, archaeology, and other disciplines to create a comprehensive picture.

Choose services

Select your desired DNA Report services

Send your data

Send us your DNA data for further processing

Closest ethnicities

Receive results

Get your results and check if everything is clear


Flexible pricing

Y-DNA Haplogroup



In-Depth Haplogroup History





Ancestry Composition

Genetic distances - Moderns

Genetic Distances - Ancients



Most popular



Let's uncover your heritage together!